Sunday, November 05, 2006


Sue Kelly, stop the robocalling

Sue Kelly obviously doesn't think the voters of the 19th Congressional District are very bright, otherwise she would have come up with something a little smarter than robocalls (listen here) that claim to be from the Hall campaign but are only designed to annoy and cut into his lead.

We're on to you Sue. And according to Talking Points Memo, even your own people are embarrassed by it.
I was handing out leaflets for John Hall yesterday at a grocery store. There were two tables, a democratic one and a Republican one.

When I was handing out palm cards, several people said to me something like, "I WAS going to vote for John Hall, until I got all those phone calls. I got seven or eight, right at dinner time."

The guy from the Republican table, who was a local district leader-- friendly and chatty, actually came over to me and said, "You know, most of those are coming from Sue's office, but don't tell anybody."
Nice. Real classy.

Enjoy these next few days, they'll be your last as our Representative.

And of course she's very happy to complain about outside groups like Majority Action and the wonderful canvassers who are coming up from Manhattan to work for John.
Let's try to be more hopeful than that. John Hall can win this thing with everyone's help.
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