Sunday, October 01, 2006


Sue Kelly, Mark Foley and the G.O.P. leadership

Ever since the primary, Sue Kelly has been running scared. She's been telling voters in the 19th CD how the election of John Hall to Congress would mean the elevation of Nancy Pelosi to Speaker of the House.

Since Sue already brought it up, let's take a good look at the current House leadership. The same leadership, which according to today's New York Times:
knew for months about e-mail traffic between Representative Mark Foley and a former teenage page, but kept the matter secret and allowed Mr. Foley to remain head of a Congressional caucus on children’s issues, Republican lawmakers said Saturday.
Full article here.

And Speaker Hastert? The same Speaker Hastert who Sue Kelly wants to keep in office? According to Roll Call, Hastert is running for cover faster than you can say Representative John Hall.
Hastert's staff insisted Friday night that he was not told of the Foley allegations and are scrambling to respond to Reynolds' statement.
Full article here.

And while we're on the subject of online predators, both in Congress and otherwise, how long do you think it will be before Sue Kelly once again claims credit for the Online Sexual Predator legislation she had little or nothing to do with?

Just some food for thought...

Yeah its clear that (AFAIK) Kelly had nothing to do with Foley.

What is clear is that Kelly who is trying to frame herself as a 'independent' isn't. And the party that she *is* apart of allowed something like this to happen.

The republicans -- knew, did nothing and are now running for cover.

-- MrMacMan
kls, mrmacman... both absolutely right. Clearly Sue Kelly had nothing to do with Mark Foley's actions but clearly the GOP leadership - the same leadership she professes support for in her fund raising letters and actions in DC have a lot to answer for.

Voters in the 19th CD know the only way to change the culture of corruption in Washington is to replace Sue Kelly.
Please people. This is silly. Don't fall into the Republican trap of setting up a straw man, and then having to defend it. This is what Limbaugh, Hannity, and the other high priced distortionists do for a living. They find a single nutjob somewhere who says an outrageous thing, and then spends three hours spewing venom to their brain dead audiences, as if ALL Democrats espouse that position. Let's stick to THE issue....Sue Kelly is a truly disgusting hypocrite, who is blinded by personal ambition and has sold out the good people of the 19th district. She spent most of the first half of her years kneeling in obedient supplication at Newt Gingrich's feet, slavishly selling out her vote for a pat on the head. And as the PAC and special interest bribes began flowing into her coffers, she hired photographers and PR people to take pictures of her smiling and looking concerned with our brave veterans in wheelchairs. Our local papers were only too eager to print those pictures but they didn't print the pictures of her running like a madwoman to get back to Washington to cast vote after vote AGAINST those same veterans. I know there is a God and I would give a year's pay to witness her explaining those votes when that day will surely come.
Supporting the corrupt leadership. Remember when Sue voted behind closed doors in the Republican Conference for the "Tom Delay Protection Act" in Jan. 2005? It would've changed their ethics rules to let Mr. Hammer keep his majority leader position if he was indicted in Texas? And that under pressure they repealed their decision?

When I wrote to her about it, she tried to defend her vote by saying that Democrats didn't even have that rule in their own caucus until the late 90's. Anyway, it had nothing to do with the Democrats and she was just trying to build up a straw man. I wrote her back to ask "What did the Democrats rules have to do with anything if the GOP is supposed to be more ethical and moral?" Oh yeah, they've proved THAT really well. Jack Abramoff, Tom Delay, Bob Ney, Duke Cunningham, Mark Foley.....etc. etc.

Independent, yeah, right.......
I couldn't agree more that the significance of the Mark Foley scandal isn't the fact that he is an apparent pedophile, or even that he is a Republican pedophile - we know that illness of this sort comes in all packages. I do, personally, abhor the hypocrisy though.

The issue for the Sue Kelly race is that the Republican leadership turned a blind eye to behavior that not only was wrong, but that harmed children. And like it or not, shooter, Sue Kelly has followed those guys through thick and thin on every issue so we could hardly count on her to stand up to them on this.
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