Thursday, September 28, 2006
A word from Sue Kelly's sponsors
BTW, the DNC hasn't paid THAT much attention to NY-19 until recently, so any Letters to the Editor have been from our OWN minds, something you seem to lack. On the other hand, some of the letters I've seen demonizing John Hall all seem to use the same phrases that crop up in Sue's ads and website.
You've got this wrong- "The only way to Take Back 19 is cut out capitalism, private enterprise, free speech, and the right of anyone employed by a corporation to participate in the electoral process." Those would be INDIVIDUAL rights, and no one here has EVER proposed taking those away. What we DO advocate is that the corporations themselves not have any/as much influence as they do on the political process, and that our government be "one of, for, and by the people", instead of being run for the benefit of corporations.
If you can't see the difference, I feel sorry for you.
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