Thursday, September 21, 2006
Sue Desperately Seeking Independence
She even went so far as to get an endorsement from the "Independence Party of New York." This is not to be confused with "independent" voters, who are unaffiliated with any political party.
But, there is a problem here. Doesn't a candidate of a party run on the platform of that party?
Uh, oh!, one of the planks of the NY State Independence Party's platform is twelve-year term limits for House members. That's right, and Sue Kelly is completing her twelfth year in office! You would think that Kelly devoutly believed in this plank because she also signed Newt Gingrich's so-called "Contract With America", which was gung-ho about twelve-year term limits. That is, until she and her buddies got elected and dropped the idea altogether...
But I digress. Kelly is using the IP ballot line as a fig leaf to bolster her claims that she is "an independent voice in Congress." That's the biggest sham of them all. An 85% voting record allied with her Republican leadership doesn't sound too independent to me. If Sue Kelly is an independent, then I'm the tooth fairy.
Voters, don't be fooled by Sue Kelly's shell game. The true independents I know -- some who are even registered in the Independence Party -- have at least one thing in common: NONE support Sue Kelly. As one Independence Party member said to me about Kelly, "She's a Republican through and through. Her attempt to repackage herself would make Houdini blush."
While we hope the Independence Party realizes the error of its ways in endorsing a candidate who doesn't share its values, we call on the voters of the 19th Congressional District to help Sue Kelly truly "live the platform" and end her service in Congress at 12 years!
Welcome to Take19 and welcome to the 19th Congressional District - I'm sure all us readers and contributors to this blog look forward to hearing from you often - you represent the true "independent voice" in the 19th CD.
You can get involved in several ways - you can volunteer for the John Hall for Congress campaign at, clicking on "Volunteer" or, if you prefer, you can join Take19 in spreading the word about Sue Kelly's record by contacting us at
Help Sue Kelly fulfill her pledge to serve no more than 12 years!
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