Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Florida on the Hudson...

On the day that Democrats in NY-19 chose John Hall to take on Rubber Stamp Sue Kelly, it was somewhat surprising to see a bunch of Sue's lackeys waving their signs at the Peekskill train station. But there they were as we got off of the 5:12 from Grand Central, getting in the way of two of the candidates that were actually on the ballot on Tuesday: Darren Rigger and Ben Shuldiner.

One has to wonder how desperate Sue's folks must be to try and disrupt an official election. Then again, perhaps they're getting some tips from Sue's neighbor to the north, John Sweeney, who according to this article in Slate has some expertise in this area.

Don't the people in NY-19 deserve better than some party goons intent on disrupting an election? We think so. Unfortunately, Sue's primary day tricks are probably just the beginning. With the Republicans desperate to hang on to Sue's seat, we're betting that today's Florida on the Hudson moment is just the beginning.

Watch how Sue will speak of her years of experience in DC as a reason to keep her, as opposed to Mr. Hall, who only served a short while in local government. Much will be made of his "inexperience." I will then remind all that Sue had NEVER held office before the Contract With/On America. I think I heard somewhere that Sue's much touted small business experience was as a flower shop owner. (Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, I can take it!) Wow, such heady credentials...

I've changed my mind, let's keep her....NOT! Go John Hall!!!
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