Tuesday, May 23, 2006
GOP defense of tax cuts for the wealthy
Republican House Majority Leader Dennis Hastert from the floor of the House of Representatives: Link
"well, folks, if you earn $40,000 a year and have a family of two, you don't pay any taxes. So you probably if you don't pay any taxes, you are not going to get a big tax cut. Now, if you earn $1 million a year, you are going to pay about $400,000 of taxes. Maybe you'll get a $40,000 tax cut ..."
How's that for a kick in the gut to the working class families of our nation? To those readers earning $40,000, or $20,000 or $60,000 for that matter, this is just another example of how Bush/GOP enablers like Sue Kelly favor the very wealthy over the working/middle class. They say that you pay no taxes. They think that you have it sooooooo good and need no relief and that the very wealthy are hurting and need a shot in the arm to overcome their struggles.
This is the kind of leadership that Sue Kelly enables and supports. This is the reason we must replace her with someone who represents the interests of her constituents and not just the interests of the wealthy and big business.
Oh, I forgot, if you only make $40,000 and have two children, you probably can't afford a car and have no money to buy anything beyond rent, medical care and food, so you "save" on taxes there too!
Gosh, that Sue Kelly, she thinks of everything! She is a heck of a gal, helping out the $40,000 a year family's tax situation by leaving them so little to spend and providing them so few services. After all, the government can't afford to provide those services because Sue gave $40,000 plus tax give-backs to millionaires!
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