Saturday, February 11, 2006


We'll Keep Asking...

...until we get an answer:

When will Sue Kelly finally decide to return the more than $12,000 she's taken from Tom Delay's disgraced political action committee, ARMPAC?

The Culture of Corruption seems to be alive and well...alas.

This site would be much more informative if you backed up your accusations with PROOF. Tom Delay has been accused of wrong doing by a liberal left-wing DA who should be brought up on ethics charges for his conduct and public pre-meditated assault on an elected official.

To say that Sue Kelly has done something wrong because she accepted funds from a PAC established by Tom Delay is just silly. What ever happened to innocent until proven guilty? Oh I forgot that doesn’t count when it comes to Republicans.
Sorry to burst your bubble, Keep Kelly, but perhaps it's time to switch off Fox and look at some other information, like this article. Your so-called liberal left-wing DA has actually prosecuted more Republicans than Democrats.

Sue taking Tom's money is only part of the problem: she's allowed that money to influence her votes, repeatedly voting with DeLay even when true moderate Republicans have crossed party lines, like this vote to cut $12.7 billion from federal student loans. Thirteen Republicans crossed. Meanwhile, Sue cast the deciding vote, with DeLay at her side.
Dear Keep Kelly:
Tom Delaywas indicted by a Texas grand jury, not a "liberal left wing DA". That's a finding of probable cause that he committed the crimes charged. And the indictment has been upheld (twice) by Texas judges, not the "liberal left-wing DA."
So, while Delay is certainly entitled to have the jury that tries him instructed that he must get a "presumption of innocence", that doesn't mean that we have to pretend that there's nothing to it, or that there aren't consequences.
Remember the character Big Julie in Guys and Dolls, boasting that he had "seventeen arrests, no convictions?"
Meanwhile, the Republican party, to which Delay is a big embarrassment, has stripped him of his party office, and a lot of Republicans (but not our Sue) have had the good sense to wash their hands of him, or at least of his corrupt money.
But not Sue. No, she's still hanging onto the thousands he gave her -- and sticking her head in the sand.
Maybe that's because if she starts returning tainted money, who knows how much she'll have to return.
I might understand a freshman Representative being hesitant, but she's been in Washington a long, long time, and if she were ever going to exercise some leadership and independence -- some indication that she was more than a sock-puppet for the Washington Republicans -- we would have seen it by now.
Keep Sue? By the way, isn't it quaint that when we used to refer to a person being supported inappropriated by another in a "meretricious" relationship, we called that being "kept"? Is that what you mean by "Keep Kelly".
Keep Kelly:

ABC News
NY Times
Washington Post

...and I stopped because I could go on and on...

Let me quote another poster:

"If you think the country is headed in the right direction, if you agree that the Iraq War was a good thing to do and it's been a huge success, if you like to have deficits as far the eye can see, if you like the way the economy is going, if you like global warming, if you want to live in abject fear of Osama while doing nothing to bring him to justice, if you want you a representative to support the corporate status quo while bankrupting its citizens, then go right ahead and vote for Sue Kelly and other Republicans."

Go ahead, support Sue if you like the way things are and you think she and the GOP leadership are doing a bang-up, ethical and moral job.

I don't...and there you have it.

Google "Tom Delay Corruption," and you get 2,190,000 entries as a result.

Google "Tom Delay Saipan," and you get 37,700 hits.

Start there and I'm sure you'll find more than than you need to raise questions about his behavior.

Sue Kelly should return the money if for nothing more than Tom Delay's appearance of inpropriority. That is, after all, what Newt Gingrich called for when they all signed the Contract for America (also signed by Ms. Kelly).

Whatever happened to term limits and the balanced budget amendment anyway? Weren't they in that contract? Or does this mean their signatures on that signed contract mean nothing? Just asking.
Take19 you have proved my point about the liberal left-wing DA. Thank you!

NYBRI - This country is headed in the right direction. Our economy is strong, the war in Iraq is just and right. As for bring Osama to justice maybe if the liberals would get of W's back for two seconds and allow him to defend our nation that would happen. It is hard to defend a nation when every step you take ends up in front of some oversight committee and the main stream media tells half stories scaring the American people.

Just another note: Democrates are the last ones that should ever speak of ethics and morals. One name comes to mind, CLINTON. You can pick what first name you would like to insert.

Term limits: Term limits are in direct contrast to the Constitution and haveing a representative form of government.
This blog is about Sue Kelly and her lack of an ethical compass, not about Tom DeLay - but to understand Sue you have to understand the party leaders that she looks to for guidance and how she defines her responsibilities to her constituents as their representative - and Tom DeLay has been identified as the leader in Congress she looks up to the most. She can't possibly be ignorant of the stench of corruption that follows Tom DeLay around. That is not guilt by association, that is guilt by lack of both personal judgement and character.

For proof of how morally and ethically bankrupt Sue's admiration for Tom DeLay is - look only to the significant ethical problems DeLay has had and how he has addressed them - he was admonished by unanimous vote of the bipartisan House ethics committee late in 2004 - so DeLay responded by removing the three Ethics Committee members who voted against him, in effect ending further investigation by the House.

Instead of expressing outrage and contempt at this, Sue has, since then, continued to support DeLay at every turn.
I think that in the second comment to this post, take19 actually meant to say "DA has prosecuted more Democrats than Republicans" when referring (I assume) to Ronnie Earle.

Instead of recognizing and acknowledging this simple error, "keep kelly" chose the low road and tried to use this to advance his point in the discussion.

Like I say, if you think everything is fine and dandy, then continue voting Republican. I've got no problem with that. If people think this country is off track, then vote out the engineers. That is what representative government is all about. I'm sure you felt the same way about Clinton. :)


BTW, I think what take19 meant to say, as the facts bear out, that DA Ronnie Earle has prosecuted more DEMOCRATS than Republicans...and while he was doing so, was considered by Texas Republican lawmakers as fair and non-biased...including Congressman Delay. Funny how stories change, isn't it?


Did you get much snow in eastern Pennsylvania? We got hit pretty bad with a blizzard.
Sorry for the typo earlier. I did mean to say that Ronnie Earle has prosecuted more Democratic politicians, than Republicans.

Typical hack, KK, for trying to exploit what was clearly a typo.
This was an exceptionally well done piece. Thanks for doing the research in bringing these incestuous dealings to light.
Fact: The left wing liberal DA stood at a Democratic fundraiser and promised to get Tom Delay.

How ethical is that!

This is getting tiresome. This is a site about Sue Kelly, not Ronnie Earle...and cerainly not about lies about Ronnie Earle...but I digress.

We all note that you are a "My Party No Matter What, I Hate Bill Clinton and All Liberals," kind o' person. This site isn't for you.

Continue to vote for Republicans in your own district, wherever that is, because you think everything is fantastic and that the present administration is great. No problem with that. I repeat...that is what democracy is all about.

We are talking with the people who might think otherwise about the way things are and the direction the country is headed.

Thanks for stopping by, but you'll probably feel more at home at sites like and Enjoy and rant away there.

My Best, NYBri
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