Thursday, January 26, 2006


Suzy's Q...

In marketing, it's called the Q Score and it basically measures someone's brand name and their likability. And based on some polling done by Jeff Cook, the Monroe Republican looking to challenge Kelly in a primary, Suzy's Q number is not looking very tasty. Indeed, a blog called The Dooryard managed to get a copy of some polling information that Cook did and the results can't leave Sue feeling too good (deep sigh!):

The latest poll shows a 41% approval rating in her district and it's only 53% among Republicans

Perhaps that's why Sue has spent much of the past week running around the district, trying to generate headlines and prove that she's really doing something, instead of enjoying the last of the six-week long vacation imposed by Republican leaders in DC to get their House in order. Let's hope that come November, the voters in this district will decide to send her on an even longer vacation.

John Hall, a 35 year member of two unions, joined in solidarity with CSEA, SEIU, Planned Parenthood and students to protest the budget cuts to Medicaid and student loans that Kelly voted for.

Below is his statement:

"I would never dump the tax breaks for corporations and the top 1% onto the backs of students and the sick. I

n Congress I will be a voice for people of the district and fight for their interests, not the special interests.

On a day where ExxonMobil again announces record profits, I oppose the $40 billion in budget cuts to student loans, Medicaid, Medicare, Child Support Enforcement, Foster Care and Supplemental Security Income."
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