Thursday, December 22, 2005


Cheney's own Charlie McCarthy...

We realize that the holidays are upon us and there's a strong instinct to play with toys, no matter how old you are. But Sue's comments in today's Poughkeepsie Journal seemed particularly Charlie McCarthy-esque. Indeed, it made us kind of wonder where we've heard some of those lines before.

We'll try to avoid the sexual innuendo of Sue sitting on Cheney's lap, but the comments might as well have come out of his mouth, instead of hers. A quick Google search shows just how similar -- in some cases identical -- they really are.

Here's Cheney from a CNN interview earlier this week: "Far better to have their democracy that is now in place rather than Saddam Hussein ruling and that the world is a far safer place because of it."

Now, here's what Sue said: "There's no denying it's a far better Iraq than it was under Saddam," Kelly said.

Here's Cheney again: "Leaving prematurely from Iraq will have terrible consequences."

And now Sue: "I think leaving prematurely is exactly what the terrorists want," Kelly said.

So who's pulling who's strings? And, perhaps more importantly, don't the people of the 19th deserve something better than a dummy?

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