Monday, July 04, 2005


Sue = Vulnerable?

The Times Herald-Record is sensing blood in the water when it comes to Kelly, according to this brief article, which notes Sue's growing vulnerability:

"With a year and a half before Kelly will face re-election, potential opponents seem to coming out of the woodwork. Some politicos suggest the Hudson Valley's changing demographics and displeasure with recent events in Washington have Kelly looking a bit more vulnerable.
Democrats said to be interested include attorney Judy Aydelott, educator Ben Shuldiner and political consultant Darren Rigger, who, until recently, was a fundraiser for Rep. Charlie Rangel, D-Manhattan."

The above omits Richard Shea, Philipstown Town Councilman, as a person with a strong interest in the race. And we have heard there may be one or two more - this is a good sign! Stay tuned....

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