Sunday, June 26, 2005


Better than first class...

Though Sue wasn't one of the biggest travelers in the House of Representatives (ranking 177 out of 435) according to this review by Political Money Line, she certainly knows how to spend big.

For example, during a trip in 2003 to London (one of the top destinations according to the report), Sue managed to spend over $16,000 on transportation according to this review. Still, while the travel includes both the transatlantic flight and local transportation, it's hard to figure out exactly how she managed to spend that much money. A quick scan of first class airfares with flexible travel dates on British Airways' site shows the fare topping out at $6300.

So how did Sue, and more specifically, her sponsor, the Ripon Educational Fund, which is headed up by former Rep. Sue Molinari, manage to spend an additional $10,000 on travel? And what exactly is Ripon getting for that $16,300 ticket?

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