Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Where was Sue (again)?

It must be awfully hard for Sue to pick from the bevy of events she's no doubt invited to on a daily basis. Last night, for example, she skipped a meeting attended by around 100 people at St. Peter's Episcopal Church in Peekskill -- people who were eager to learn about Sue's views on Social Security, which so far at least, remain unclear. Instead, Sue faxed her regrets to an organizer, claiming the oft-cited "prior commitments". Her letter, however, failed to explain why one of her staffers was also seemingly unable to attend. Or at least nobody identified themselves as being a Sue staffer.

No matter where you happen to come down on the issue of Social Security, one thing is clear: It's pretty arrogant for an elected representative to blow off her constituents and instruct her staff to blow them off too. If Sue had a different opinion than the majority of the people in the room (who were overwhelmingly against any changes to Social Security) or wanted to shed some light on her own muddled views, this would have been a great opportunity for her to discuss them. After all, that's what democracy is all about. Don't we deserve better here in the 19th?

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