Monday, May 23, 2005


Poor Sue...

It's bad enough Sue's constituents (with the exception of those invited to her staged events) have a hard time finding her. Now, even the national media seems to have forgotten about Sue as evidenced by this article in today's New York Times.

The article notes how several Republican Congressmen in New York, including Thomas Reynolds, a Republican congressman from the Rochester area currently in his fourth term, are struggling with President Bush's plans to privatize Social Security. The article also mentioned several other Republican Representatives who are actively trying to duck the issue, including Vito Fossella of Staten Island and John Sweeney of the Albany area. But Sue was conveniently missing from the round-up, despite the fact that like the others mentioned in the article, she has to be feeling increasingly uncomfortable with privatization. Maybe the Times forgot to include her or forgot about her altogether. Or maybe, they had the same problem as many of her constituents have when it comes to talking about Social Security: they just couldn't find her.

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