Thursday, April 07, 2005


What's Sue afraid of?

Why is Sue so reluctant to appear at a forum in Hyde Park on Social Security sponsored by the Older Women's League and other pro-women's groups like the League of Women Voters? It's not really clear, though because she didn't accept the invite, the forum is now in danger of being cancelled for lack of balance. The forum, which was set for April 9 at the FDR Library, invited Kelly as well as Rep. John Sweeney from upstate, and Rep. Maurice Hinchey. Hinchey agreed to attend, but both Kelly and Sweeney, whose views seem to line up with President Bush's plans to make changes to Social Security turned the group down. As a result, the FDR Library, which is subject to rules governing political activities, sent a letter to OWL's president telling the group that unless they added a pro-Bush speaker, the ability of the group to use the FDR Library would be cancelled. Sue, whose own views on Bush's plan, aren't particularly clear or at least well-pronounced, was probably trying to avoid the embarrassing situation of having to defend the Bush plan in front of a group of older women much like herself.

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